Won’t CBD Oil Get My Dog High??

Will my dog get high from CBD oil treats? Click To Tweet

For many years my husband and I worked in the field of addictions — I was a licensed therapist and he worked on the business side, leading the development of high-quality drug and alcohol treatment centers.  It’s probably no surprise that  when long-time friends learn that we are HempWorx distributors, they’re at least a little puzzled. I sometimes try to sidestep their concerns by joking that “I’ve become a hope dealer” — but I guess I’m not that funny. It rarely works.

So we turn to the science.

The cannabis family of plants has two primary classifications – Indica and Sativa. Marijuana can fall under either category but hemp is a member of the Cannabis Sativa family. They share some similarities.

While the two plant types share some similarities, their biological structures yield some important differences:

        • Cannabis contains Cannabinoids. The two most well-known, richest and most dominant are (THC) Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol (CBD).
        • Both have been shown to provide significant benefits to the human body; however, THC is the one with psychoactive effects e.g. the user gets high.
        • CBD oil does not contain any psychoactive properties.
        • In short, THC is for people who want to get high – CBD is for those who want to get healthy.
        • What’s this got to do with your dog? Turns out that human and canine cannabinoid receptor systems are a lot alike — so what we learn about one seems to have a lot of application with the other.

CBD oil doesn’t contain psychoactive properties. Click To Tweet

And that’s good news. If you and your veterinarian aren’t sure, you can try one of the products designed to support human health on yourself and use that data from that ‘experiment’ to help make an informed decision.
